Source code for qutip.qobjevo

# This file is part of QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python.
#    Copyright (c) 2011 and later, Paul D. Nation and Robert J. Johansson.
#    All rights reserved.
#    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
#    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
#    met:
#    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#    3. Neither the name of the QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python nor the names
#       of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
"""Time-dependent Quantum Object (Qobj) class.
__all__ = ['QobjEvo']

from qutip.qobj import Qobj
import qutip.settings as qset
from qutip.interpolate import Cubic_Spline
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline, interp1d
from functools import partial
from types import FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number
from qutip.qobjevo_codegen import (_compile_str_single, _compiled_coeffs,
from import (cy_expect_rho_vec, cy_expect_psi,
from import (CQobjCte, CQobjCteDense, CQobjEvoTd,
                                 CQobjEvoTdMatched, CQobjEvoTdDense)
from import (InterCoeffT, InterCoeffCte,
                                      InterpolateCoeff, StrCoeff,
                                      StepCoeffCte, StepCoeffT)
import sys
import scipy
import os
from re import sub

if qset.has_openmp:
    from import (CQobjCteOmp, CQobjEvoTdOmp,

safePickle = [False]
if sys.platform == 'win32':
    safePickle[0] = True

    import cython
    use_cython = [True]
    use_cython = [False]

def proj(x):
    if np.isfinite(x):
        return (x)
        return np.inf + 0j * np.imag(x)

str_env = {
    "sin": np.sin,
    "cos": np.cos,
    "tan": np.tan,
    "asin": np.arcsin,
    "acos": np.arccos,
    "atan": np.arctan,
    "pi": np.pi,
    "sinh": np.sinh,
    "cosh": np.cosh,
    "tanh": np.tanh,
    "asinh": np.arcsinh,
    "acosh": np.arccosh,
    "atanh": np.arctanh,
    "exp": np.exp,
    "log": np.log,
    "log10": np.log10,
    "erf": scipy.special.erf,
    "zerf": scipy.special.erf,
    "sqrt": np.sqrt,
    "real": np.real,
    "imag": np.imag,
    "conj": np.conj,
    "abs": np.abs,
    "norm": lambda x: np.abs(x)**2,
    "arg": np.angle,
    "proj": proj,
    "np": np,
    "spe": scipy.special}

class _file_list:
    Contain temp a list .pyx to clean
    def __init__(self):
        self.files = []

    def add(self, file_):
        self.files += [file_ + ".pyx"]

    def clean(self):
        to_del = []
        for i, file_ in enumerate(self.files):
            except Exception:
                if not os.path.isfile(file_):

        for i in to_del[::-1]:
            del self.files[i]

    def __del__(self):

coeff_files = _file_list()

class _StrWrapper:
    def __init__(self, code):
        self.code = "_out = " + code

    def __call__(self, t, args={}):
        env = {"t": t}
        exec(self.code, str_env, env)
        return env["_out"]

class _CubicSplineWrapper:
    # Using scipy's CubicSpline since Qutip's one
    # only accept linearly distributed tlist
    def __init__(self, tlist, coeff, args=None):
        self.coeff = coeff
        self.tlist = tlist
            use_step_func = args["_step_func_coeff"]
        except KeyError:
            use_step_func = 0
        if use_step_func:
            self.func = interp1d(
                self.tlist, self.coeff, kind="previous",
                bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)
            self.func = CubicSpline(self.tlist, self.coeff)

    def __call__(self, t, args={}):
        return self.func([t])[0]

class _StateAsArgs:
    # old with state (f(t, psi, args)) to new (args["state"] = psi)
    def __init__(self, coeff_func):
        self.coeff_func = coeff_func

    def __call__(self, t, args={}):
        return self.coeff_func(t, args["_state_vec"], args)

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
class StateArgs:
    """Object to indicate to use the state in args outside solver.
    args[key] = StateArgs(type, op)
    def __init__(self, type="Qobj", op=None):
        self.dyn_args = (type, op)

    def __call__(self):
        return self.dyn_args

# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# object for each time dependent element of the QobjEvo
# qobj : the Qobj of element ([*Qobj*, f])
# get_coeff : a callable that take (t, args) and return the coeff at that t
# coeff : The coeff as a string, array or function as provided by the user.
# type : flag for the type of coeff
class EvoElement:
    Internal type used to represent the time-dependent parts of a

    Availables "types" are

    1. function
    2. string
    3. ``np.ndarray``
    4. :class:`.Cubic_Spline`

    def __init__(self, qobj, get_coeff, coeff, type):
        self.qobj = qobj
        self.get_coeff = get_coeff
        self.coeff = coeff
        self.type = type

    def make(cls, list_):
        return cls(*list_)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        if i == 0:
            return self.qobj
        if i == 1:
            return self.get_coeff
        if i == 2:
            return self.coeff
        if i == 3:
            return self.type

[docs]class QobjEvo: """ A class for representing time-dependent quantum objects, such as quantum operators and states. Basic math operations are defined: - ``+``, ``-`` : :class:`~QobjEvo`, :class:`~Qobj`, scalars. - ``*``: :class:`~Qobj`, C number - ``/`` : C number This object is constructed by passing a list of :obj:`~Qobj` instances, each of which *may* have an associated scalar time dependence. The list is summed to produce the final result. In other words, if an instance of this class is :math:`Q(t)`, then it is constructed from a set of constant :obj:`~Qobj` :math:`\\{Q_k\\}` and time-dependent scalars :math:`f_k(t)` by .. math:: Q(t) = \\sum_k f_k(t) Q_k If a scalar :math:`f_k(t)` is not passed with a given :obj:`~Qobj`, then that term is assumed to be constant. The next section contains more detail on the allowed forms of the constants, and gives several examples for how to build instances of this class. **Time-dependence formats** There are three major formats for specifying a time-dependent scalar: - Python function - string - array For function format, the function signature must be ``f(t: float, args: dict) -> complex``, for example .. code-block:: python def f1_t(t, args): return np.exp(-1j * t * args["w1"]) def f2_t(t, args): return np.cos(t * args["w2"]) H = QobjEvo([H0, [H1, f1_t], [H2, f2_t]], args={"w1":1., "w2":2.}) For string-based coeffients, the string must be a compilable python code resulting in a complex. The following symbols are defined: .. code-block:: pi exp log log10 erf zerf norm proj real imag conj abs arg sin sinh asin asinh cos cosh acos acosh tan tanh atan atanh numpy as np scipy.special as spe A couple more simple examples: .. code-block:: python H = QobjEvo([H0, [H1, 'exp(-1j*w1*t)'], [H2, 'cos(w2*t)']], args={"w1":1.,"w2":2.}) For numpy array format, the array must be an 1d of dtype ``np.float64`` or ``np.complex128``. A list of times (``np.float64``) at which the coeffients must be given as ``tlist``. The coeffients array must have the same length as the tlist. The times of the tlist do not need to be equidistant, but must be sorted. By default, a cubic spline interpolation will be used for the coefficient at time t. If the coefficients are to be treated as step functions, use the arguments ``args = {"_step_func_coeff": True}``. Examples of array-format usage are: .. code-block:: python tlist = np.logspace(-5,0,100) H = QobjEvo([H0, [H1, np.exp(-1j*tlist)], [H2, np.cos(2.*tlist)]], tlist=tlist) Mixing time formats is allowed. It is not possible to create a single ``QobjEvo`` that contains different ``tlist`` values, however. **Passing arguments** ``args`` is a dict of (name: object). The name must be a valid Python identifier string, and in general the object can be any type that is supported by the code to be compiled in the string. There are some "magic" names that can be specified, whose objects will be overwritten when used within :func:`.sesolve`, :func:`.mesolve` and :func:`.mcsolve`. This allows access to the solvers' internal states, and they are updated at every call. The initial values of these dictionary elements is unimportant. The magic names available are: - ``"state"``: the current state as a :class:`~Qobj` - ``"state_vec"``: the current state as a column-stacked 1D ``np.ndarray`` - ``"state_mat"``: the current state as a 2D ``np.ndarray`` - ``"expect_op_<n>"``: the current expectation value of the element ``e_ops[n]``, which is an argument to the solvers. Replace ``<n>`` with an integer literal, e.g. ``"expect_op_0"``. This will be either real- or complex-valued, depending on whether the state and operator are both Hermitian or not. - ``"collapse"``: (:func:`.mcsolve` only) a list of the collapses that have occurred during the evolution. Each element of the list is a 2-tuple ``(time: float, which: int)``, where ``time`` is the time this collapse happened, and ``which`` is an integer indexing the ``c_ops`` argument to :func:`.mcsolve`. Parameters ---------- Q_object : list, :class:`~Qobj` or :class:`~QobjEvo` The time-dependent description of the quantum object. This is of the same format as the first parameter to the general ODE solvers; in general, it is a list of ``[Qobj, time_dependence]`` pairs that are summed to make the whole object. The ``time_dependence`` can be any of the formats discussed in the previous section. If a particular term has no time-dependence, then you should just give the ``Qobj`` instead of the 2-element list. args : dict, optional Mapping of ``{str: object}``, discussed in greater detail above. The strings can be any valid Python identifier, and the objects are of the consumable types. See the previous section for details on the "magic" names used to access solver internals. tlist : array_like, optional List of the times any numpy-array coefficients describe. This is used only in at least one of the time dependences in ``Q_object`` is given in Numpy-array format. The times must be sorted, but need not be equidistant. Values inbetween will be interpolated. Attributes ---------- cte : :class:`~Qobj` Constant part of the QobjEvo. ops : list of :class:`.EvoElement` Internal representation of the time-dependence structure of the elements. args : dict The current value of the ``args`` dictionary passed into the constructor. dynamics_args : list Names of the dynamic arguments that the solvers will generate. These are the magic names that were found in the ``args`` parameter. tlist : array_like List of times at which the numpy-array coefficients are applied. compiled : str A string representing the properties of the low-level Cython class backing this object (may be empty). compiled_qobjevo : ``CQobjCte`` or ``CQobjEvoTd`` Cython version of the QobjEvo. coeff_get : callable Object called to obtain a list of all the coefficients at a particular time. coeff_files : list Runtime created files to delete with the instance. dummy_cte : bool Is self.cte an empty Qobj const : bool Indicates if quantum object is constant type : {"cte", "string", "func", "array", "spline", "mixed_callable", \ "mixed_compilable"} Information about the type of coefficients used in the entire object. num_obj : int Number of :obj:`~Qobj` in the QobjEvo. use_cython : bool Flag to compile string to Cython or Python safePickle : bool Flag to not share pointers between thread. """ def __init__(self, Q_object=[], args={}, copy=True, tlist=None, state0=None, e_ops=[]): if isinstance(Q_object, QobjEvo): if copy: self._inplace_copy(Q_object) else: self.__dict__ = Q_object.__dict__ if args: self.arguments(args) for i, dargs in enumerate(self.dynamics_args): e_int = dargs[1] == "expect" and isinstance(dargs[2], int) if e_ops and e_int: self.dynamics_args[i] = (dargs[0], "expect", e_ops[dargs[2]]) if state0 is not None: self._dynamics_args_update(0., state0) return self.const = False self.dummy_cte = False self.args = args.copy() self.dynamics_args = [] self.cte = None self.tlist = np.asarray(tlist) if tlist is not None else None self.compiled = "" self.compiled_qobjevo = None self.coeff_get = None self.type = "none" self.omp = 0 self.coeff_files = [] self.use_cython = use_cython[0] self.safePickle = safePickle[0] # Attempt to determine if a 2-element list is a single, time-dependent # operator, or a list with 2 possibly time-dependent elements. if isinstance(Q_object, list) and len(Q_object) == 2: try: # Test if parsing succeeds on this as a single element. self._td_op_type(Q_object) Q_object = [Q_object] except (TypeError, ValueError): pass op_type = self._td_format_check(Q_object) self.ops = [] if isinstance(op_type, int): if op_type == 0: self.cte = Q_object self.const = True self.type = "cte" elif op_type == 1: raise TypeError("The Qobj must not already be a function") elif op_type == -1: pass else: op_type_count = [0, 0, 0, 0] for type_, op in zip(op_type, Q_object): if type_ == 0: if self.cte is None: self.cte = op else: self.cte += op elif type_ == 1: op_type_count[0] += 1 self.ops.append(EvoElement(op[0], op[1], op[1], "func")) elif type_ == 2: op_type_count[1] += 1 self.ops.append(EvoElement(op[0], _StrWrapper(op[1]), op[1], "string")) elif type_ == 3: op_type_count[2] += 1 self.ops.append(EvoElement( op[0], _CubicSplineWrapper(tlist, op[1], args=self.args), op[1].copy(), "array")) elif type_ == 4: op_type_count[3] += 1 self.ops.append(EvoElement(op[0], op[1], op[1], "spline")) nops = sum(op_type_count) if all([op_t == 0 for op_t in op_type]): self.type = "cte" elif op_type_count[0] == nops: self.type = "func" elif op_type_count[1] == nops: self.type = "string" elif op_type_count[2] == nops: self.type = "array" elif op_type_count[3] == nops: self.type = "spline" elif op_type_count[0]: self.type = "mixed_callable" else: self.type = "mixed_compilable" try: if not self.cte: self.cte = self.ops[0].qobj # test is all qobj are compatible (shape, dims) for op in self.ops[1:]: self.cte += op.qobj self.cte *= 0. self.dummy_cte = True else: cte_copy = self.cte.copy() # test is all qobj are compatible (shape, dims) for op in self.ops: cte_copy += op.qobj except Exception as e: raise TypeError("Qobj not compatible.") from e if not self.ops: self.const = True self.num_obj = (len(self.ops) if self.dummy_cte else len(self.ops) + 1) self._args_checks() if e_ops: for i, dargs in enumerate(self.dynamics_args): if dargs[1] == "expect" and isinstance(dargs[2], int): self.dynamics_args[i] = (dargs[0], "expect", QobjEvo(e_ops[dargs[2]])) if state0 is not None: self._dynamics_args_update(0., state0) def _td_format_check(self, Q_object): if isinstance(Q_object, Qobj): return 0 if isinstance(Q_object, (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType, partial)): return 1 if isinstance(Q_object, list): return [self._td_op_type(element) for element in Q_object] or -1 raise TypeError("Incorrect Q_object specification") def _td_op_type(self, element): if isinstance(element, Qobj): return 0 try: op, td = element except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: raise TypeError("Incorrect Q_object specification") from exc if (not isinstance(op, Qobj)) or isinstance(td, Qobj): # Qobj is itself callable, so we need an extra check to make sure # that we don't have a two-element list where both are Qobj. raise TypeError("Incorrect Q_object specification") if isinstance(td, Cubic_Spline): out = 4 elif callable(td): out = 1 elif isinstance(td, str): out = 2 elif isinstance(td, np.ndarray): if self.tlist is None or td.shape != self.tlist.shape: raise ValueError("Time lists are not compatible") out = 3 else: raise TypeError("Incorrect Q_object specification") return out def _args_checks(self): statedims = [self.cte.dims[1],[1]] for key in self.args: if key == "state" or key == "state_qobj": self.dynamics_args += [(key, "Qobj", None)] if self.args[key] is None: self.args[key] = Qobj(dims=statedims) if key == "state_mat": self.dynamics_args += [("state_mat", "mat", None)] if isinstance(self.args[key], Qobj): self.args[key] = self.args[key].full() if self.args[key] is None: self.args[key] = Qobj(dims=statedims).full() if key == "state_vec": self.dynamics_args += [("state_vec", "vec", None)] if isinstance(self.args[key], Qobj): self.args[key] = self.args[key].full().ravel("F") if self.args[key] is None: self.args[key] = Qobj(dims=statedims).full().ravel("F") if key.startswith("expect_op_"): e_op_num = int(key[10:]) self.dynamics_args += [(key, "expect", e_op_num)] if isinstance(self.args[key], StateArgs): self.dynamics_args += [(key, *self.args[key]())] self.args[key] = 0. def _check_old_with_state(self): add_vec = False for op in self.ops: if op.type == "func": try: op.get_coeff(0., self.args) except TypeError as e: nfunc = _StateAsArgs(self.coeff) op = EvoElement((op.qobj, nfunc, nfunc, "func")) add_vec = True if add_vec: self.dynamics_args += [("_state_vec", "vec", None)] def __del__(self): for file_ in self.coeff_files: try: os.remove(file_) except: pass def __call__(self, t, data=False, state=None, args={}): """ Return a single :obj:`~Qobj` at the given time ``t``. """ try: t = float(t) except Exception as e: raise TypeError("Time must be a real scalar.") from e if state is not None: self._dynamics_args_update(t, state) if args: if not isinstance(args, dict): raise TypeError("The new args must be in a dict") old_args = self.args.copy() old_compiled = self.compiled self.compiled = False self.args.update(args) op_t = self.__call__(t, data=data) self.args = old_args self.compiled = old_compiled elif self.const: if data: op_t = else: op_t = self.cte.copy() elif self.compiled and self.compiled.split()[0] != "dense": op_t =, data) elif data: op_t = for part in self.ops: op_t += * part.get_coeff(t, self.args) else: op_t = self.cte.copy() for part in self.ops: op_t += part.qobj * part.get_coeff(t, self.args) return op_t def _dynamics_args_update(self, t, state): if isinstance(state, Qobj): for name, what, op in self.dynamics_args: if what == "vec": self.args[name] = state.full().ravel("F") elif what == "mat": self.args[name] = state.full() elif what == "Qobj": self.args[name] = state elif what == "expect": self.args[name] = op.expect(t, state) elif isinstance(state, np.ndarray) and state.ndim == 1: s1 = self.cte.shape[1] for name, what, op in self.dynamics_args: if what == "vec": self.args[name] = state elif what == "expect": self.args[name] = op.expect(t, state) elif state.shape[0] == s1 and self.cte.issuper: new_l = int(np.sqrt(s1)) mat = state.reshape((new_l, new_l), order="F") if what == "mat": self.args[name] = mat elif what == "Qobj": self.args[name] = Qobj(mat, dims=self.cte.dims[1]) elif state.shape[0] == s1: mat = state.reshape((-1,1)) if what == "mat": self.args[name] = mat elif what == "Qobj": self.args[name] = Qobj(mat, dims=[self.cte.dims[1],[1]]) elif state.shape[0] == s1*s1: new_l = int(np.sqrt(s1)) mat = state.reshape((new_l, new_l), order="F") if what == "mat": self.args[name] = mat elif what == "Qobj": self.args[name] = Qobj(mat, dims=[self.cte.dims[1], self.cte.dims[1]]) elif isinstance(state, np.ndarray) and state.ndim == 2: s1 = self.cte.shape[1] new_l = int(np.sqrt(s1)) for name, what, op in self.dynamics_args: if what == "vec": self.args[name] = state.ravel("F") elif what == "mat": self.args[name] = state elif what == "expect": self.args[name] = op.expect(t, state) elif state.shape[1] == 1: self.args[name] = Qobj(state, dims=[self.cte.dims[1],[1]]) elif state.shape[1] == s1: self.args[name] = Qobj(state, dims=self.cte.dims) else: self.args[name] = Qobj(state) else: raise TypeError("state must be a Qobj or np.ndarray")
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of this object.""" new = QobjEvo(self.cte.copy()) new.const = self.const new.args = self.args.copy() new.dynamics_args = self.dynamics_args.copy() new.tlist = self.tlist new.dummy_cte = self.dummy_cte new.num_obj = self.num_obj new.type = self.type new.compiled = False new.compiled_qobjevo = None new.coeff_get = None new.coeff_files = [] new.use_cython = self.use_cython new.safePickle = self.safePickle for op in self.ops: if op.type == "array": new_coeff = op.coeff.copy() else: new_coeff = op.coeff new.ops.append(EvoElement(op.qobj.copy(), op.get_coeff, new_coeff, op.type)) return new
def _inplace_copy(self, other): self.cte = other.cte self.const = other.const self.args = other.args.copy() self.dynamics_args = other.dynamics_args self.tlist = other.tlist self.dummy_cte = other.dummy_cte self.num_obj = other.num_obj self.type = other.type self.compiled = "" self.compiled_qobjevo = None self.coeff_get = None self.ops = [] self.coeff_files = [] self.use_cython = other.use_cython self.safePickle = other.safePickle for op in other.ops: if op.type == "array": new_coeff = op.coeff.copy() else: new_coeff = op.coeff self.ops.append(EvoElement(op.qobj.copy(), op.get_coeff, new_coeff, op.type))
[docs] def arguments(self, new_args): """ Update the scoped variables that were passed as ``args`` to new values. """ if not isinstance(new_args, dict): raise TypeError("The new args must be in a dict") # remove dynamics_args that are to be refreshed self.dynamics_args = [dargs for dargs in self.dynamics_args if dargs[0] not in new_args] self.args.update(new_args) self._args_checks() if self.compiled and self.compiled.split()[2] != "cte": if isinstance(self.coeff_get, StrCoeff): self.coeff_get.set_args(self.args) self.coeff_get._set_dyn_args(self.dynamics_args) elif isinstance(self.coeff_get, _UnitedFuncCaller): self.coeff_get.set_args(self.args, self.dynamics_args)
def solver_set_args(self, new_args, state, e_ops): self.dynamics_args = [] self.args.update(new_args) self._args_checks() for i, dargs in enumerate(self.dynamics_args): if dargs[1] == "expect" and isinstance(dargs[2], int): self.dynamics_args[i] = (dargs[0], "expect", QobjEvo(e_ops[dargs[2]])) if self.compiled: self.dynamics_args[i][2].compile() self._dynamics_args_update(0., state) if self.compiled and self.compiled.split()[2] != "cte": if isinstance(self.coeff_get, StrCoeff): self.coeff_get.set_args(self.args) self.coeff_get._set_dyn_args(self.dynamics_args) elif isinstance(self.coeff_get, _UnitedFuncCaller): self.coeff_get.set_args(self.args, self.dynamics_args)
[docs] def to_list(self): """ Return this operator in the list-like form used to initialised it, like can be passed to :func:`~mesolve`. """ list_qobj = [] if not self.dummy_cte: list_qobj.append(self.cte) for op in self.ops: list_qobj.append([op.qobj, op.coeff]) return list_qobj
# Math function def __add__(self, other): res = self.copy() res += other return res def __radd__(self, other): res = self.copy() res += other return res def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, QobjEvo): self.cte += other.cte l = len(self.ops) for op in other.ops: if op.type == "array": new_coeff = op.coeff.copy() else: new_coeff = op.coeff self.ops.append(EvoElement(op.qobj.copy(), op.get_coeff, new_coeff, op.type)) l += 1 self.args.update(**other.args) self.dynamics_args += other.dynamics_args self.const = self.const and other.const self.dummy_cte = self.dummy_cte and other.dummy_cte if self.type != other.type: if self.type in ["func", "mixed_callable"] or \ other.type in ["func", "mixed_callable"]: self.type = "mixed_callable" else: self.type = "mixed_compilable" self.compiled = "" self.compiled_qobjevo = None self.coeff_get = None if self.tlist is None: self.tlist = other.tlist else: if other.tlist is None: pass elif len(other.tlist) != len(self.tlist) or \ other.tlist[-1] != self.tlist[-1]: raise ValueError("Time lists are not compatible") else: self.cte += other self.dummy_cte = False self.num_obj = (len(self.ops) if self.dummy_cte else len(self.ops) + 1) self._reset_type() return self def __sub__(self, other): res = self.copy() res -= other return res def __rsub__(self, other): res = -self.copy() res += other return res def __isub__(self, other): self += (-other) return self def __mul__(self, other): res = self.copy() res *= other return res def __rmul__(self, other): res = self.copy() if isinstance(other, Qobj): res.cte = other * res.cte for op in res.ops: op.qobj = other * op.qobj return res else: res *= other return res def __imul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Qobj) or isinstance(other, Number): self.cte *= other for op in self.ops: op.qobj *= other return self if isinstance(other, QobjEvo): if other.const: self.cte *= other.cte for op in self.ops: op.qobj *= other.cte elif self.const: cte = self.cte.copy() self = other.copy() self.cte = cte * self.cte for op in self.ops: op.qobj = cte*op.qobj else: cte = self.cte.copy() self.cte *= other.cte new_terms = [] old_ops = self.ops if not other.dummy_cte: for op in old_ops: new_terms.append(self._ops_mul_cte(op, other.cte, "R")) if not self.dummy_cte: for op in other.ops: new_terms.append(self._ops_mul_cte(op, cte, "L")) for op_left in old_ops: for op_right in other.ops: new_terms.append(self._ops_mul_(op_left, op_right)) self.ops = new_terms self.args.update(other.args) self.dynamics_args += other.dynamics_args self.dummy_cte = self.dummy_cte and other.dummy_cte self.num_obj = (len(self.ops) if self.dummy_cte else len(self.ops) + 1) self._reset_type() return self return NotImplemented def __div__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float, complex, np.integer, np.floating, np.complexfloating)): res = self.copy() res *= other**(-1) return res return NotImplemented def __idiv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float, complex, np.integer, np.floating, np.complexfloating)): self *= other**(-1) return self return NotImplemented def __truediv__(self, other): return self.__div__(other) def __neg__(self): res = self.copy() res.cte = -res.cte for op in res.ops: op.qobj = -op.qobj return res def _ops_mul_(self, opL, opR): new_f = _Prod(opL.get_coeff, opR.get_coeff) new_op = [opL.qobj*opR.qobj, new_f, None, 0] if opL.type == opR.type and opL.type == "string": new_op[2] = "(" + opL.coeff + ") * (" + opR.coeff + ")" new_op[3] = "string" elif opL[3] == opR[3] and opL[3] == "array": new_op[2] = opL[2]*opR[2] new_op[3] = "array" else: new_op[2] = new_f new_op[3] = "func" if self.type not in ["func", "mixed_callable"]: self.type = "mixed_callable" return EvoElement.make(new_op) def _ops_mul_cte(self, op, cte, side): new_op = [None, op.get_coeff, op.coeff, op.type] if side == "R": new_op[0] = op.qobj * cte if side == "L": new_op[0] = cte * op.qobj return EvoElement.make(new_op) # Transformations
[docs] def trans(self): """Return the matrix transpose.""" res = self.copy() res.cte = res.cte.trans() for op in res.ops: op.qobj = op.qobj.trans() return res
[docs] def conj(self): """Return the matrix elementwise conjugation.""" res = self.copy() res.cte = res.cte.conj() for op in res.ops: op.qobj = op.qobj.conj() res._f_conj() return res
[docs] def dag(self): """Return the matrix conjugate-transpose (dagger).""" res = self.copy() res.cte = res.cte.dag() for op in res.ops: op.qobj = op.qobj.dag() res._f_conj() return res
def _cdc(self): """Return ``a.dag * a``.""" if not self.num_obj == 1: res = self.dag() res *= self else: res = self.copy() res.cte = res.cte.dag() * res.cte for op in res.ops: op.qobj = op.qobj.dag() * op.qobj res._f_norm2() return res # Unitary function of Qobj
[docs] def tidyup(self, atol=1e-12): """Removes small elements from this quantum object inplace.""" self.cte = self.cte.tidyup(atol) for op in self.ops: op.qobj = op.qobj.tidyup(atol) return self
def _compress_make_set(self): sets = [] callable_flags = ["func", "spline"] for i, op1 in enumerate(self.ops): already_matched = False for _set in sets: already_matched = already_matched or i in _set if not already_matched: this_set = [i] for j, op2 in enumerate(self.ops[i+1:]): if op1.qobj == op2.qobj: same_flag = op1.type == op2.type callable_1 = op1.type in callable_flags callable_2 = op2.type in callable_flags if (same_flag or (callable_1 and callable_2)): this_set.append(j+i+1) sets.append(this_set) fsets = [] for i, op1 in enumerate(self.ops): already_matched = False for _set in fsets: already_matched = already_matched or i in _set if not already_matched: this_set = [i] for j, op2 in enumerate(self.ops[i+1:]): if op1.type != op2.type: pass elif op1.type == "array": if np.allclose(op1.coeff, op2.coeff): this_set.append(j+i+1) else: if op1.coeff is op2.coeff: this_set.append(j+i+1) fsets.append(this_set) return sets, fsets def _compress_merge_qobj(self, sets): callable_flags = ["func", "spline"] new_ops = [] for _set in sets: if len(_set) == 1: new_ops.append(self.ops[_set[0]]) elif self.ops[_set[0]].type in callable_flags: new_op = [self.ops[_set[0]].qobj, None, None, "func"] fs = [] for i in _set: fs += [self.ops[i].get_coeff] new_op[1] = _Add(fs) new_op[2] = new_op[1] new_ops.append(EvoElement.make(new_op)) elif self.ops[_set[0]].type == "string": new_op = [self.ops[_set[0]].qobj, None, None, "string"] new_str = "(" + self.ops[_set[0]].coeff + ")" for i in _set[1:]: new_str += " + (" + self.ops[i].coeff + ")" new_op[1] = _StrWrapper(new_str) new_op[2] = new_str new_ops.append(EvoElement.make(new_op)) elif self.ops[_set[0]].type == "array": new_op = [self.ops[_set[0]].qobj, None, None, "array"] new_array = (self.ops[_set[0]].coeff).copy() for i in _set[1:]: new_array += self.ops[i].coeff new_op[2] = new_array new_op[1] = _CubicSplineWrapper( self.tlist, new_array, args=self.args) new_ops.append(EvoElement.make(new_op)) self.ops = new_ops def _compress_merge_func(self, fsets): new_ops = [] for _set in fsets: base = self.ops[_set[0]] new_op = [None, base.get_coeff, base.coeff, base.type] if len(_set) == 1: new_op[0] = base.qobj else: new_op[0] = base.qobj.copy() for i in _set[1:]: new_op[0] += self.ops[i].qobj new_ops.append(EvoElement.make(new_op)) self.ops = new_ops
[docs] def compress(self): """ Merge together elements that share the same time-dependence, to reduce the number of matrix multiplications and additions that need to be done to evaluate this object. Modifies the object inplace. """ self.tidyup() sets, fsets = self._compress_make_set() N_sets = len(sets) N_fsets = len(fsets) num_ops = len(self.ops) if N_sets < num_ops and N_fsets < num_ops: # Both could be better self.compiled = "" self.compiled_qobjevo = None self.coeff_get = None if N_sets < N_fsets: self._compress_merge_qobj(sets) else: self._compress_merge_func(fsets) sets, fsets = self._compress_make_set() N_sets = len(sets) N_fsets = len(fsets) num_ops = len(self.ops) if N_sets < num_ops: self.compiled = "" self.compiled_qobjevo = None self.coeff_get = None self._compress_merge_qobj(sets) elif N_fsets < num_ops: self.compiled = "" self.compiled_qobjevo = None self.coeff_get = None self._compress_merge_func(fsets) self._reset_type()
def _reset_type(self): op_type_count = [0, 0, 0, 0] for op in self.ops: if op.type == "func": op_type_count[0] += 1 elif op.type == "string": op_type_count[1] += 1 elif op.type == "array": op_type_count[2] += 1 elif op.type == "spline": op_type_count[3] += 1 nops = sum(op_type_count) if not self.ops and self.dummy_cte is False: self.type = "cte" elif op_type_count[0] == nops: self.type = "func" elif op_type_count[1] == nops: self.type = "string" elif op_type_count[2] == nops: self.type = "array" elif op_type_count[3] == nops: self.type = "spline" elif op_type_count[0]: self.type = "mixed_callable" else: self.type = "mixed_compilable" self.num_obj = (len(self.ops) if self.dummy_cte else len(self.ops) + 1)
[docs] def permute(self, order): """ Permute the tensor structure of the underlying matrices into a new format. See Also -------- Qobj.permute : the same operation on constant quantum objects. """ res = self.copy() res.cte = res.cte.permute(order) for op in res.ops: op.qobj = op.qobj.permute(order) return res
[docs] def apply(self, function, *args, **kw_args): """ Apply the linear function ``function`` to every ``Qobj`` included in this time-dependent object, and return a new ``QobjEvo`` with the result. Any additional arguments or keyword arguments will be appended to every function call. """ self.compiled = "" res = self.copy() cte_res = function(res.cte, *args, **kw_args) if not isinstance(cte_res, Qobj): raise TypeError("The function must return a Qobj") res.cte = cte_res for op in res.ops: op.qobj = function(op.qobj, *args, **kw_args) return res
[docs] def apply_decorator(self, function, *args, str_mod=None, inplace_np=False, **kw_args): """ Apply the given function to every time-dependent coefficient in the quantum object, and return a new object with the result. Any additional arguments and keyword arguments will be appended to the function calls. Parameters ---------- function : callable ``(time_dependence, *args, **kwargs) -> time_dependence``. Called on each time-dependent coefficient to produce a new coefficient. The additional arguments and keyword arguments are the ones given to this function. str_mod : list A 2-element list of strings, that will additionally wrap any string time-dependences. An existing time-dependence string ``x`` will become ``str_mod[0] + x + str_mod[1]``. inplace_np : bool, default False Whether this function should modify Numpy arrays inplace, or be used like a regular decorator. Some decorators create incorrect arrays as some transformations ``f'(t) = f(g(t))`` create a mismatch between the array and the associated time list. """ res = self.copy() for op in res.ops: op.get_coeff = function(op.get_coeff, *args, **kw_args) if op.type == ["func", "spline"]: op.coeff = op.get_coeff op.type = "func" elif op.type == "string": if str_mod is None: op.coeff = op.get_coeff op.type = "func" else: op.coeff = str_mod[0] + op.coeff + str_mod[1] elif op.type == "array": if inplace_np: # keep the original function, change the array def f(a): return a ff = function(f, *args, **kw_args) for i, v in enumerate(op.coeff): op.coeff[i] = ff(v) op.get_coeff = _CubicSplineWrapper( self.tlist, op.coeff, args=self.args) else: op.coeff = op.get_coeff op.type = "func" if self.type == "string" and str_mod is None: res.type = "mixed_callable" elif self.type == "array" and not inplace_np: res.type = "mixed_callable" elif self.type == "spline": res.type = "mixed_callable" elif self.type == "mixed_compilable": for op in res.ops: if op.type == "func": res.type = "mixed_callable" return res
def _f_norm2(self): self.compiled = "" new_ops = [] for op in self.ops: new_op = [op.qobj, None, None, op.type] if op.type == "func": new_op[1] = _Norm2(op.get_coeff) new_op[2] = new_op[1] elif op.type == "string": new_op[2] = "norm(" + op.coeff + ")" new_op[1] = _StrWrapper(new_op[2]) elif op.type == "array": new_op[2] = np.abs(op.coeff)**2 new_op[1] = _CubicSplineWrapper( self.tlist, new_op[2], args=self.args) elif op.type == "spline": new_op[1] = _Norm2(op.get_coeff) new_op[2] = new_op[1] new_op[3] = "func" self.type = "mixed_callable" new_ops.append(EvoElement.make(new_op)) self.ops = new_ops return self def _f_conj(self): self.compiled = "" new_ops = [] for op in self.ops: new_op = [op.qobj, None, None, op.type] if op.type == "func": new_op[1] = _Conj(op.get_coeff) new_op[2] = new_op[1] elif op.type == "string": new_op[2] = "conj(" + op.coeff + ")" new_op[1] = _StrWrapper(new_op[2]) elif op.type == "array": new_op[2] = np.conj(op.coeff) new_op[1] = _CubicSplineWrapper( self.tlist, new_op[2], args=self.args) elif op.type == "spline": new_op[1] = _Conj(op.get_coeff) new_op[2] = new_op[1] new_op[3] = "func" self.type = "mixed_callable" new_ops.append(EvoElement.make(new_op)) self.ops = new_ops return self def _shift(self): self.compiled = "" self.args.update({"_t0": 0}) new_ops = [] for op in self.ops: new_op = [op.qobj, None, None, op.type] if op.type == "func": new_op[1] = _Shift(op.get_coeff) new_op[2] = new_op[1] elif op.type == "string": new_op[2] = sub("(?<=[^0-9a-zA-Z_])t(?=[^0-9a-zA-Z_])", "(t+_t0)", " " + op.coeff + " ") new_op[1] = _StrWrapper(new_op[2]) elif op.type == "array": new_op[2] = _Shift(op.get_coeff) new_op[1] = new_op[2] new_op[3] = "func" self.type = "mixed_callable" elif op.type == "spline": new_op[1] = _Shift(op.get_coeff) new_op[2] = new_op[1] new_op[3] = "func" self.type = "mixed_callable" new_ops.append(EvoElement.make(new_op)) self.ops = new_ops return self
[docs] def expect(self, t, state, herm=False): """ Calculate the expectation value of this operator on the given (time-independent) state at a particular time. This is more efficient than ``expect(QobjEvo(t), state)``. Parameters ---------- t : float The time to evaluate this operator at. state : Qobj or np.ndarray The state to take the expectation value around. herm : bool, default False Whether this operator and the state are both Hermitian. If True, only the real part of the result will be returned. See Also -------- expect : General-purpose expectation values. """ if not isinstance(t, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Time must be a real scalar") if isinstance(state, Qobj): if self.cte.dims[1] == state.dims[0]: vec = state.full().ravel("F") elif self.cte.dims[1] == state.dims: vec = state.full().ravel("F") else: raise ValueError("Dimensions do not fit") elif isinstance(state, np.ndarray): vec = state.ravel("F") else: raise TypeError("The vector must be an array or Qobj") if vec.shape[0] == self.cte.shape[1]: if self.compiled: exp = self.compiled_qobjevo.expect(t, vec) elif self.cte.issuper: self._dynamics_args_update(t, state) exp = cy_expect_rho_vec(self.__call__(t, data=True), vec, 0) else: self._dynamics_args_update(t, state) exp = cy_expect_psi(self.__call__(t, data=True), vec, 0) elif vec.shape[0] == self.cte.shape[1]**2: if self.compiled: exp = self.compiled_qobjevo.overlapse(t, vec) else: self._dynamics_args_update(t, state) exp = (self.__call__(t, data=True) * vec.reshape((self.cte.shape[1], self.cte.shape[1])).T).trace() else: raise ValueError("The shapes do not match") if herm: return exp.real else: return exp
[docs] def mul_vec(self, t, vec): """ Multiply this object evaluated at time `t` by a vector. Parameters ---------- t : float The time to evaluate this object at. vec : Qobj or np.ndarray The state-vector to multiply this object by. Returns ------- vec: Qobj or np.ndarray The vector result in the same type as the input. """ was_Qobj = False if not isinstance(t, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Time must be a real scalar") if isinstance(vec, Qobj): if self.cte.dims[1] != vec.dims[0]: raise ValueError("Dimensions do not fit") was_Qobj = True dims = vec.dims vec = vec.full().ravel() elif not isinstance(vec, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("The vector must be an array or Qobj") if vec.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"The vector must be 1d, but is {vec.ndim}d") if vec.shape[0] != self.cte.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The lengths do not match") if self.compiled: out = self.compiled_qobjevo.mul_vec(t, vec) else: self._dynamics_args_update(t, vec) out = spmv(self.__call__(t, data=True), vec) if was_Qobj: return Qobj(out, dims=dims) else: return out
[docs] def mul_mat(self, t, mat): """ Multiply this object evaluated at time `t` by a matrix (from the right). Parameters ---------- t : float The time to evaluate this object at. mat : Qobj or np.ndarray The matrix that is multiplied by this object. Returns ------- mat: Qobj or np.ndarray The matrix result in the same type as the input. """ was_Qobj = False if not isinstance(t, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Time must be a real scalar") if isinstance(mat, Qobj): if self.cte.dims[1] != mat.dims[0]: raise ValueError("Dimensions do not fit") was_Qobj = True dims = mat.dims mat = mat.full() if not isinstance(mat, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("The vector must be an array or Qobj") if mat.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"The matrix must be 2d, but is {mat.ndim}d") if mat.shape[0] != self.cte.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The lengths do not match") if self.compiled: out = self.compiled_qobjevo.mul_mat(t, mat) else: self._dynamics_args_update(t, mat) out = self.__call__(t, data=True) * mat if was_Qobj: return Qobj(out, dims=dims) else: return out
[docs] def compile(self, code=False, matched=False, dense=False, omp=0): """ Create an associated Cython object for faster usage. This function is called automatically by the solvers. Parameters ---------- code : bool, default False Return the code string generated by compilation of any strings. matched : bool, default False If True, the underlying sparse matrices used to represent each element of the type will have their structures unified. This may include adding explicit zeros to sparse matrices, but can be faster in some cases due to not having to deal with repeated structural mismatches. dense : bool, default False Whether to swap to using dense matrices to back the data. omp : int, optional The number of OpenMP threads to use when doing matrix multiplications, if QuTiP was compiled with OpenMP. Returns ------- compiled_str : str (Only if `code` was set to True). The code-generated string of compiled calling code. """ self.tidyup() Code = None if self.compiled: return for _, _, op in self.dynamics_args: if isinstance(op, QobjEvo): op.compile(code, matched, dense, omp) if not qset.has_openmp: omp = 0 if omp: nnz = [] for part in self.ops: nnz += [] if all(qset.openmp_thresh < nz for nz in nnz): omp = 0 if self.const: if dense: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjCteDense() self.compiled = "dense single cte" elif omp: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjCteOmp() self.compiled = "csr omp cte" self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(omp) self.omp = omp else: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjCte() self.compiled = "csr single cte" self.compiled_qobjevo.set_data(self.cte) else: if matched: if omp: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTdMatchedOmp() self.compiled = "matched omp " self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(omp) self.omp = omp else: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTdMatched() self.compiled = "matched single " elif dense: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTdDense() self.compiled = "dense single " elif omp: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTdOmp() self.compiled = "csr omp " self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(omp) self.omp = omp else: self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTd() self.compiled = "csr single " self.compiled_qobjevo.set_data(self.cte, self.ops) self.compiled_qobjevo.has_dyn_args(bool(self.dynamics_args)) if self.type in ["func"]: # funclist = [] # for part in self.ops: # funclist.append(part.get_coeff) funclist = [part.get_coeff for part in self.ops] self.coeff_get = _UnitedFuncCaller(funclist, self.args, self.dynamics_args, self.cte) self.compiled += "pyfunc" self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(func=self.coeff_get) elif self.type in ["mixed_callable"] and self.use_cython: funclist = [] for part in self.ops: if isinstance(part.get_coeff, _StrWrapper): get_coeff, file_ = _compile_str_single( part.coeff, self.args) coeff_files.add(file_) self.coeff_files.append(file_) funclist.append(get_coeff) else: funclist.append(part.get_coeff) self.coeff_get = _UnitedFuncCaller(funclist, self.args, self.dynamics_args, self.cte) self.compiled += "pyfunc" self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(func=self.coeff_get) elif self.type in ["mixed_callable"]: funclist = [part.get_coeff for part in self.ops] _UnitedStrCaller, Code, file_ = _compiled_coeffs_python( self.ops, self.args, self.dynamics_args, self.tlist) coeff_files.add(file_) self.coeff_files.append(file_) self.coeff_get = _UnitedStrCaller(funclist, self.args, self.dynamics_args, self.cte) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(func=self.coeff_get) self.compiled += "pyfunc" elif self.type in ["string", "mixed_compilable"]: if self.use_cython: # All factor can be compiled self.coeff_get, Code, file_ = _compiled_coeffs( self.ops, self.args, self.dynamics_args, self.tlist) coeff_files.add(file_) self.coeff_files.append(file_) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(obj=self.coeff_get) self.compiled += "cyfactor" else: # All factor can be compiled _UnitedStrCaller, Code, file_ = _compiled_coeffs_python( self.ops, self.args, self.dynamics_args, self.tlist) coeff_files.add(file_) self.coeff_files.append(file_) funclist = [part.get_coeff for part in self.ops] self.coeff_get = _UnitedStrCaller(funclist, self.args, self.dynamics_args, self.cte) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(func=self.coeff_get) self.compiled += "pyfunc" elif self.type == "array": try: use_step_func = self.args["_step_func_coeff"] except KeyError: use_step_func = 0 if np.allclose(np.diff(self.tlist), self.tlist[1] - self.tlist[0]): if use_step_func: self.coeff_get = StepCoeffCte( self.ops, None, self.tlist) else: self.coeff_get = InterCoeffCte( self.ops, None, self.tlist) else: if use_step_func: self.coeff_get = StepCoeffT( self.ops, None, self.tlist) else: self.coeff_get = InterCoeffT( self.ops, None, self.tlist) self.compiled += "cyfactor" self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(obj=self.coeff_get) elif self.type == "spline": self.coeff_get = InterpolateCoeff(self.ops, None, None) self.compiled += "cyfactor" self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(obj=self.coeff_get) else: pass coeff_files.clean() if code: return Code
def _get_coeff(self, t): out = [] for part in self.ops: out.append(part.get_coeff(t, self.args)) return out def __getstate__(self): _dict_ = {key: self.__dict__[key] for key in self.__dict__ if key != "compiled_qobjevo"} if self.compiled: return (_dict_, self.compiled_qobjevo.__getstate__()) else: return (_dict_,) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state[0] self.compiled_qobjevo = None if self.compiled: mat_type, threading, td = self.compiled.split() if mat_type == "csr": if self.safePickle: # __getstate__ and __setstate__ of compiled_qobjevo pass pointers # In 'safe' mod, these pointers are not used. if td == "cte": if threading == "single": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjCte() self.compiled_qobjevo.set_data(self.cte) elif threading == "omp": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjCteOmp() self.compiled_qobjevo.set_data(self.cte) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(self.omp) else: # time dependence is pyfunc or cyfactor if threading == "single": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTd() self.compiled_qobjevo.set_data(self.cte, self.ops) elif threading == "omp": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTdOmp() self.compiled_qobjevo.set_data(self.cte, self.ops) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(self.omp) if td == "pyfunc": self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(func=self.coeff_get) elif td == "cyfactor": self.compiled_qobjevo.set_factor(obj=self.coeff_get) else: if td == "cte": if threading == "single": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjCte.__new__(CQobjCte) elif threading == "omp": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjCteOmp.__new__(CQobjCteOmp) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(self.omp) else: # time dependence is pyfunc or cyfactor if threading == "single": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTd.__new__(CQobjEvoTd) elif threading == "omp": self.compiled_qobjevo = CQobjEvoTdOmp.__new__(CQobjEvoTdOmp) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(self.omp) self.compiled_qobjevo.__setstate__(state[1]) elif mat_type == "dense": if td == "cte": self.compiled_qobjevo = \ CQobjCteDense.__new__(CQobjCteDense) else: CQobjEvoTdDense.__new__(CQobjEvoTdDense) self.compiled_qobjevo.__setstate__(state[1]) elif mat_type == "matched": if threading == "single": self.compiled_qobjevo = \ CQobjEvoTdMatched.__new__(CQobjEvoTdMatched) elif threading == "omp": self.compiled_qobjevo = \ CQobjEvoTdMatchedOmp.__new__(CQobjEvoTdMatchedOmp) self.compiled_qobjevo.set_threads(self.omp) self.compiled_qobjevo.__setstate__(state[1])
# Function defined inside another function cannot be pickled, # Using class instead class _UnitedFuncCaller: def __init__(self, funclist, args, dynamics_args, cte): self.funclist = funclist self.args = args self.dynamics_args = dynamics_args self.dims = cte.dims self.shape = cte.shape def set_args(self, args, dynamics_args): self.args = args self.dynamics_args = dynamics_args def dyn_args(self, t, state, shape): # 1d array are to F ordered mat = state.reshape(shape, order="F") for name, what, op in self.dynamics_args: if what == "vec": self.args[name] = state elif what == "mat": self.args[name] = mat elif what == "Qobj": if self.shape[1] == shape[1]: # oper self.args[name] = Qobj(mat, dims=self.dims) elif shape[1] == 1: # ket self.args[name] = Qobj(mat, dims=[self.dims[1],[1]]) else: # rho self.args[name] = Qobj(mat, dims=self.dims[1]) elif what == "expect": if shape[1] == op.cte.shape[1]: # same shape as object self.args[name] = op.mul_mat(t, mat).trace() else: self.args[name] = op.expect(t, state) def __call__(self, t, args={}): if args: now_args = self.args.copy() now_args.update(args) else: now_args = self.args out = [] for func in self.funclist: out.append(func(t, now_args)) return out def get_args(self): return self.args class _Norm2(): def __init__(self, f): self.func = f def __call__(self, t, args): return self.func(t, args)*np.conj(self.func(t, args)) class _Shift(): def __init__(self, f): self.func = f def __call__(self, t, args): return np.conj(self.func(t + args["_t0"], args)) class _Conj(): def __init__(self, f): self.func = f def __call__(self, t, args): return np.conj(self.func(t, args)) class _Prod(): def __init__(self, f, g): self.func_1 = f self.func_2 = g def __call__(self, t, args): return self.func_1(t, args)*self.func_2(t, args) class _Add(): def __init__(self, fs): self.funcs = fs def __call__(self, t, args): return np.sum([f(t, args) for f in self.funcs])