OpenQASM 2 Tools for Qiskit¶
This project is an exploratory package for interoperating between Qiskit and OpenQASM 2. It
currently offers the functions load()
and loads()
, which are significantly faster
(often 10x or more) drop-in replacements for the Qiskit methods QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_file
and QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_str
respectively. The core of these functions is a
custom parser written in Rust.
In the future, this package may add exploratory new methods to replace QuantumCircuit.qasm
as well. There are various historical inefficiencies and
architectural difficulties in the current implementation, and this package provides a testbed free
of Qiskit’s deprecation policy to help develop a new interface. The experience may go on to inform
changes to Qiskit’s OpenQASM 3 support as well.